Wenatchee port commissioner named to WSTC

by Staff report
| July 8, 2023 1:00 AM

OLYMPIA — Gov. Jay Inslee has appointed Janet “JC” Baldwin of Wenatchee to fill an open seat on the Washington State Transportation Commission, according to an announcement from the WSTC. Baldwin is a small business owner and longtime elected port commissioner, serving on the Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority since 2005, the announcement said.

Baldwin, whose six-year term starts on July 1, brings to the commission the expertise of working in the tech sector as chief executive officer and co-founder of GTC Technical Support in Wenatchee, according to the announcement. In addition to her experience as a business owner and elected official, Baldwin brings to the commission extensive experience in the areas of public infrastructure and economic development, amassed from service on a range of boards including the state Community Aviation Revitalization Board, the state Public Works Board and the Washington Public Ports Association Executive Committee, the announcement said.

Among its responsibilities, the commission advises the state Legislature and the governor on transportation policy matters. This summer, it will begin the work of updating the Washington State Transportation Plan, an endeavor taken on every four years, the announcement said.

“Ports serve a critical role in our state’s economy, and the linkage between transportation and ports is undeniable,” Baldwin wrote in the announcement. “An efficient and accessible transportation system is vital to enabling the movement of freight and goods in and out of ports and will be a priority of mine.”

The commission also serves as the state tolling authority, setting toll rates and ferry fares, and provides annual guidance to lawmakers on statewide funding and fiscal matters, the announcement said.

“I look forward to supporting the advancement of viable approaches to creating long-term, sustainable funding for transportation so that our entire statewide system is able to carry our state into the future and meet the diversified needs of our citizens,” Baldwin wrote.

Baldwin replaces Commissioner Jerry Litt of Grant County, who served two terms on the commission for a total of 12 years. She will be one of three commissioners appointed from east of the Cascade Mountains. The other four are from west of the mountains, as required by state law.