Seed potatoes are loaded into a planter to be sown in a field cultivated by Schneider Farms north of Pasco. Potatoes, onions and corn are all planted in the spring.
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March 16, 2021
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Starting the cycle: Growers prepare for spring planting in the Basin
MOSES LAKE — Spring is fast approaching, which means it’s time to begin preparations for the spring planting season. Mark Kallstrom, of Kallstrom Sweet Corn, and Friehe Farms Manager Travis Meacham discussed what goes into preparing for spring planting at their respective farms. Kallstrom grows and retails sweet corn, located halfway between George and Ephrata. Friehe Farms, located in Moses Lake, grows potatoes and corn, among other crops. “Spring is a really busy time with lots going on,” Meacham said. “This time of year is really dedicated to getting equipment ready and everything lined up so that when the big bustle of spring comes we’re kind of pointed in the right direction and everything’s in good working order, so spending some shop time just prepping things and also ordering products, seed and fertilizer, to get ready for spring.”